Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Lost keys

On Wednesday last week I really wished that I had bought one of those 'key finding' gadgets that used to be popular a few years' back!

A set of car and house keys were 'lost', not by me I hasten to add but by R.  We spent two days searching for these keys, ringing round family and places we had visited to see if they had been found.  The house was searched from top to bottom, under sofas, in drawers, even in the freezer.  The cars were searched, under the seats, in the boot, down the back of the seats ....

Our days were reconstructed in detail and we felt sure we knew the last time the keys had been in use but, one of the afflictions of old age being memory loss, there was no certainty of this.

The first night, we lay awake until 3 am discussing possibilities but by the second night, anticipating sleeplessness, we decided we had to let it go.  Not so easy, every toss and turn woke us with minds spinning as to places we hadn't looked.

It was decided that a new set of house keys would be cut from the only set left as soon as businesses opened after New Year. 

I went out to my car this morning to put some supermarket bags in the boot (I like to keep them there so I don't have to remember to take them every time) and thought 'I'll just do one more search' - not having done this myself up until now.  I lifted out my spare shoes, two umbrellas, some new windscreen wipers and there they were - the 'lost' keys!

All that stress over the last few days, which could have been put to better use!!  I think a reward of some sort is called for ......

1 comment:

  1. Horrible when that happens. I had a similar experience just over a year ago, as you may remember, but had no-one but myself to blame ...

    Your reward, then, will be the pleasure of refraining from using this as ammunition, whilst making it clear that you are doing so. Plus, of course, the cost of a new set of keys!


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